
The game uses a token SpaceCoin (SPC).

SpaceCoin Supply:

  • Fix: In total, the ecosystem has an initial total supply of 50 000 000 SpaceCoin.

  • Dynamic: When a user requests a guess, the smart contract will then mint 1 SpaceCoin, which will be redistributed among all other GeoSpace creators. If the user wins, then the smart contract will mint 1 SpaceCoin for them. When a user wants to create a new GeoSpace, they will be deducted 1 SpaceCoin, which will be burned.

The fixed part is distributed to players who use the gaming protocol.

The dynamic part aims to balance the game's economy. When a player makes a guessing request, the smart contract will create tokens, intending to increase circulation and generate deflation. It also controls inflation by burning tokens when a player creates a GeoSpace NFT.


For players, there is no vesting. However, for the teams, the unlocking of SpaceCoins will be based on the game's usage.

💵Distribution fix part💸Game

Last updated