šØļøMinting GSP
Token network (ZAMA) to add fees + Token game (SPC) to burn
When you create new NFTs for the game, you can add a winning fees.
To mint a GeoSpace, you must spend X SPC, which is burn and the smart contract substract life point mint.
Based on the number of creations GSP, you will have a ratio, and you will earn a portion of the guessing fees in ZAMA.
Remember: Be sure to consider the game's current fixed guessing fees, which is currently set at 2 ZAMA. The end user will have to pay the fixed fees + your win fees.
Fees mint: The owner can change the price of mint (actually is 1 SPC).
Reward SPC with all your GSP minting
This reward concerns the guess tax. A portion of the tokens, during a guess, will go to the team, but also to all GeoSpace creators, according to the following formula.
Ratio creator:
Calcul reward:
Reward 3 % ZAMA fees winning with GSP Minting
This reward concerns the GeoSpace tax when a player wins. It receives 3% of the tax from the current owner.
Fees To mint and Fees to set
Mint GSP
winning (share)
X (creator to set)
creator and owner
Creator GSP
1 * ratio
Win tax of GSP owner
Last updated