
How is the token associated with the game?

Two assets:

  • The network's base token (INC)

  • The game token (SPC)

The tokenomic is divided into two parts:

  1. a fixed portion consisting of 50 million tokens SPC distributed among multiple actors.

  2. a dynamic portion that implements two systems:

    • a token burning SPC system to reduce the supply when a player creates new GSP.

    • a token minting SPC system so that a player use guessing.

Adjustments can be made during the evolution of the game, such as increasing rewards for winners to increase the supply or reducing the supply by increasing creation fees.

  • INC tokens are used for guessing and winning fees

  • SPC tokens are used for creating new NFTs.

The game does not have a fixed supply. it depends on the game's usage. SpaceCoin are mint when a player guess and finds an NFT. When a player mint NFT, the creation fees is burn. Additionally the player can stake SpaceCoin to earn fix fees guessing.

The smart contract mints SpaceCoin when:

  • player guess: 1 distribute over all creators.

  • player win: 1 for him.

In the future, the creation and guessing fees will be linked to an oracle to set a price in USD. This will make it more financially friendly for users. One could envision the guessing fees fixed at two dollars, with one dollar going to the team and another dollar for the stakers.

Last updated